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Expertise at the service of Meet-Me Rooms

Expertise at the service of Meet-Me Rooms

Meet-Me Room expertise

The Meet-Me Room (MMR) is the room where the optical fibres meet, those coming from outside (operator fibres or links between several private datacentres) and those distributed in the datacentre. This is the place where all cross-connection is done.

We have developed a range that is recognised and validated by operators. These products are present in the MMRs of major international hosting companies as well as major French banks and insurance companies. Our comprehensive range of solutions is suitable for both small Edge Computing datacentres and hosting datacentres of several thousand square metres. This allows us to respond to all types of projects, regardless of their size.

Support in the design phase of the Meet-Me Room

The design of the Meet-Me Room should be considered at the very beginning of the datacentre design. We are able to support operators in this phase. Many technical parameters must be taken into account, starting with the size of the room itself, which must be sized on the basis of the number of bays and drawers and allow maintenance personnel to move around easily. The mechanical strength of the technical floor, air conditioning, accessibility and the location of the patch cords are all issues that need to be taken into account at an early stage.

High density ranges for all MMRs

Data transfer speed is one of the major challenges for the MMR. It must be equipped with high-performance equipment, facilitating interconnection operations (cross-connection) while guaranteeing the expected performance. The iBER-C-603-RES-COM optical splitter from Idea Optical allows you to manage up to 800 patch cords under optimal conditions. The lateral cable routing and stowage, the fibre management in the swivel modules for clear frontal identification and the lateral organisation of the patch cords ensure that the required functions are fulfilled.

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Messe Frankfurt
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Cologne, Germany

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+33 (0)2 96 48 36 90

from monday to friday
8:00 a.m. to 12:00 a.m.
and 1:30 p.m. to 4:45 p.m.


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