Logo Idea Optical



The iRMO-604/606-BF is a 19″ modular optical splicing rack with the fillowing dimensions: 600 mm wide, 400 or 600 mm deep and 47U high.

This modular optical splicing rack iRMO-604/606-BF is composed of:

  • 1 open steel frame fitted with 2 x 19″ depth-adjustable profile rails;
  • 4 bare fibre organisers, each equipped with a return zone, an anchoring section with 3 bi-material multi-pins, 80 x IOC23-01 single splice trays for 12 fusion splice protectors or 40 x IOC23-06 double splice trays for 24 fusion splice protectors and 2 mass splice protectors, depending on the selected configuration;
  • 3 passage cable raceways for micro modules (2 central and 1 rear);
  • 1 cable anchoring deck located at the top of the frame;
  • 4 storage bags for spare micro-loose tubes from underground cables, fitted with a pivoting front flap that can be locked by push-pull.
  • 2 wall mounting supports
  • Anchoring
  • Light
  • Storage
  • Top/Bottom cable entry
    Top/Bottom cable entry

Product benefits

  • Suitable for use in a Shelter.
  • Lightweight structure for easy access anywhere in the rack.

iRMO-606-BF fitted with 4 bare fibre organisers

iRMO-606-BF in a Shelter

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